Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ok, Cupid!

i've been feeling sorta bummed about my lack of fame lately. but then i got an obviously clairvoyant email telling me that greater happiness was just around the corner:

i'm so excited! i'm going to be so much happier! AND meet new awesome people*:

i thought things couldn't get better, but then i got this super personal email:

i can meet cool men AND asian beauties? my happiness scale is about to get higher than okcupid could ever imagine. 

we did it?!

*given the facts outlined in these emails, i'm sure cabana man will understand....

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Mystery Post

bonus post! i need help figuring out how to categorize this one....

today, i really had to pee, but i was SO TIRED that when i went to sit down, i panicked and couldn't figure out if i was properly aligned over the toilet:

causing me to readjust at the last minute and nearly fall on the floor:

in the end, it all worked out (good luck, i guess?), but the fact that this happened at all is highly suspect (bad luck??).


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I'm Lovin' It!

i've come out of hiding for this very important psa: mcdonald's is now serving breakfast all day!
